It gives me great pleasure, as the Principal, to welcome you to the official website of Spectrum International School.

It has been prepared with the hope that it will become a valuable source of school news and timely information for students, parents, and all visitors. As a school, we aim to establish and maintain open lines of communication with the Parent Teacher Association, staff, and students and will endeavor to get the school involved in the community as much as the community will be involved with the school. It is my belief that positive and honest relationships build lifelong friendships, and this is the key to working with others, be it staff and students, parents and students, or parents and staff. This circle of communication will lead our students to success in academic, sporting, and social areas and give them a sense of ownership and a level of responsibility for their learning. A close relationship between home and school benefits our students, staff, and parent community. I encourage you to actively explore the website and contact us directly if you feel you require any additional information. Thank you for visiting us on the web. We look forward to greeting you at our school in the near future.

Jonathan Ferreira